Oman Brunei Investment Company SAOC

Explore untapped investment opportunities across a variety of industries in Oman & Brunei

Exited Investments

Babylon Medical Services LLC

BMS is an integrated healthcare provider. The portfolio comprises three clinics providing healthcare services for corporate clients across various sectors such as oil & gas, hospitality, construction…etc. and trading in pharmaceutical products. OBIC acquired a 49% stake in BMS in April 2015 and exited in December 2019.

Majan Telecommunications LLC
(Renna Mobile)

Renna Mobile was the first Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) in the Sultanate of Oman. OBIC acquired a majority stake in the company in 2012, at a time when it was in distress. The hands-on management style of OBIC proved vital in turning around the operations and finances of the company and giving it strategic direction.
The various measures undertaken by OBIC led to an impressive growth in revenues and subscriber base, and consequently OBIC was able to successfully exit from the investment in 2016 to a competitor in the market.

OBIC Leasing 1 Ltd
(Aircraft Portfolio)

In 2014 and 2015 OBIC along with other shareholders managed to acquire five Boeing 737-900ER aircrafts and leased it back to Oman Air. The five aircrafts was registered in five SPV companies in Germany.
OBIC exited from the investment in 2022 

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